Wikipedia 10K Redux by Reagle from Starling archive. Bugs abound!!!

<-- Previous | Newer --> | Current: 981079494 LarrySanger at Fri, 02 Feb 2001 02:04:54 +0000.


'''Some existing articles:'''
WilliamAlston -- HoldComeWhatMay -- MetaPhilosophy -- CommonSense -- ThomasReid -- InvestigatorAsPhilosopher -- DirectRealism -- AlTruism

LarrySanger has donated the context of LarrysText to WikiPedia.  Please go to LarrysText to discuss what to do with it.

WhyPhilosophize -- PhilosophicalMethod -- DefinitionOfPhilosophy

LoGic -- OntOlogy -- MetaPhysics -- PhilosophyOfNature -- PhilosophyOfPhysics -- PhilosophyOfBiology -- PhilosophyOfMind -- PhilosophyOfPerception -- PhilosophyOfLanguage -- EpistemOlogy -- PhilosophyOfScience -- PhilosophyOfPsychology -- MetaPhilosophy -- EthIcs -- MetaEthics -- EthicalTheory -- AppliedEthics -- PoliticalPhilosophy -- PhilosophyOfSocialSciences -- AesthEtics -- PhilosophyOfEducation

ThePresocratics -- SoCrates -- PlatO -- AristotlE -- EpiCurus -- HellenicPhilosophy -- CiCero -- AugUstine -- AnSelm -- AquInas -- FrancisBacon -- ThomasHobbes -- ReneDescartes --NicholasMalebranche -- GottfriedLeibniz -- JohnLocke -- GeorgeBerkeley -- DavidHume -- ThomasReid -- DugaldStewart -- ImmanuelKant -- JamesMill -- JohnStuartMill -- KarlMarx -- ArthurSchopenhauer -- SorenKierkegaard -- FriedrichNietzsche -- BertrandRussell -- KarlPopper -- GeorgeEMoore

'''MetaPhysics:''' RealIsm -- AntiRealism -- IrrealIsm -- NominaliIsm -- PlatonIsm '''EpistemOlogy:''' FoundationalIsm -- CoherentIsm -- ReliabilIsm -- JustifiedTrueBelief '''EthIcs:''' HedonIsm -- EudaimonIsm -- ConsequentialIsm -- UtilitarianIsm -- AlTruism -- EgoIsm -- PsychologicalEgoism -- DeconstructionIsm [etc. continue the list please]

'''EthIcs:''' EthicsVsMorals '''EpistemOlogy:''' TheProblemOfOtherMinds

Are you a philosopher or do you know a thing or two about philosophy?  Then add a topic to those listed and give us what you know about the concepts, theories, people, movements, etc., of philosophy.  It's no big deal: dash off a paragraph or two and watch others contribute and expand what you've done.  You can edit the above articles, too.

I've added several suggested topics.  At your leisure you might start articles on any or all of the above.  Nearly every trained philosopher, and plenty of untrained ones, have ''something'' reasonably useful and accurate to say about many of these topics!