Wikipedia 10K Redux by Reagle from Starling archive. Bugs abound!!!

<-- Previous | Newer --> | Current: 983068068 Dick Beldin at Sun, 25 Feb 2001 02:27:48 +0000.


back to [[Summary Statistics]] -- [[Quantiles]]

The '''quartiles''' are three values which divide the sorted data set into four (approximately) equal parts. We cannot divide a set of 17 (say) data values into four equal parts since that would require splitting a datum. What we can do is interpolate between data items which bracket the desired position.

     i    x[i]
     1    102
     2    105
    ----------- the first quartile, Q[1]
     3    106
     4    109
   ------------ the second quartile or [[median]] or Q[2]
     5    110
     6    112
   ------------ the third quartile, Q[3]
     7    115
     8    118
---- [[Dick Beldin]]